Wednesday, June 2, 2010

U.S. Behind in Space Race, Russia Leads Again

MOSCOW (AP) -  Russia, a global leader in space exploration, especially with the U.S. drastically cutting the funding of NASA and considering privatizing, is ready to launch a simulated mission to Mars.  The Russians are pursuing a long term plan to learn how to prepare for putting a human on Mars.  AP writer, Vladimir Isachenkov, reports:

"The experiment, conducted by the Moscow-based Institute for Medical and Biological Problems in cooperation with the European Space Agency and Chinese space authorities, will simulate a 250-day journey to Mars, a 30-day surface exploration phase and 240 days return trip."

Unfortunately, the U.S. has no plans like this.  Obama's budget butchered the space program and our plans to return to the Moon.  There is no funding in America for space research anymore.  There was a time when we prided ourselves on the innovations that came from the space program.  America is a nation built on innovation, a nation of leaders.  

How long will we let others lead, especially Russians?  Some people may not care about putting a man on Mars.  What most people don't realize is that our AirForce is extremely interested in our capabilities in space.  Current wars are fought using satellite imagery and geopositioning systems, which are products of the space program.  Future wars will be fought in space, not unlike Star Wars, without the aliens.  And if we want to be ready, we have to get serious about our space program.  Quit cutting NASA's budget.  Quit taking jobs away in a recession----real jobs, jobs that employ some of the brightest minds in the world. 

NASA creates jobs, saves lives, and protects America.

Memorial Day, a Federal Vacation

ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, MEMORIAL DAY 2010 -- Who's there?  Not Obama.  Why?  He was busy at a barbecue at American community organizer Marty Nesbit's place, who lives in a swanky upscale neighborhood with patriots such as William Ayers and Louis Farrakhan.  Obama did plan to speak at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in honor of the hallowed Memorial Day, but unfortunately mother nature denied him the luxury of being on vacation and doing your patriotic duty at the same time.

Rain and lightning tore from the sky as Obama took the podium.  Obama spoke, only just enough to tell everyone that it wasn't safe; go home.  Obama should have listened to his own pleadings with the crowd.  Chicago is not currently his home.  He has a job to do.  Memorial Day is a big day for a president.  After all, he is the Commander-In-Chief of our great American military.  He of all people should respect the tradition of Memorial Day.  Instead he couldn't break away from his precious vacation time in Chicago.  He should have been at Arlington National Cemetery and not have sent Vice President Joe Biden to do his bidding.

Obama has a history of paying little respect to the tradition of Memorial Day.  Last year he was at Arlington National Cemetery for the traditional wreath ceremony, but he was able to slip out of there just in time to hit the links.  Obama was on the golf course at 3:00 p.m. on Memorial Day 2009, but he was able to manage a small prayer in between his tee shot and his approach.  He missed the putt, and obviously the point.

In Obama's defense, he is not the first president to miss a Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.  George Bush missed it in 2002, but for a slightly different reason.  Instead of hamming it up with crooked Chicago socialites, Bush was in Europe meeting with foreign leaders on official U.S. business.  He made a speech at the Normandy American Cemetery, where he commemorated our veterans in proper fashion, with the best means available to him.

Whether it's the golf course or a barbecue with communists, it's disrespectful.  Mr. President, do your job and lead this nation by example first and foremost.  Honor the tradition, not the vacation.

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The Freedom Principle - part 2 of 2

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